Fosjoas K3 Saddle-Equipped Electric Scooter Offers a Comfortable Ride.
Source:Fosjoas begin Time: 2016-11-29
Abstract: The riding experience makes or breaks the popularity of a scooter. It calls for the core tech, innovation and the pursuit of a perfect riding experience. Fosjoas K3 saddle-equipped scooter came into being against the background. K3 is revolutionary and innovative.
In the beginning of its establishment, Fosjoas has been fostering its own characteristic culture. Just counting on the account of its culture, Fosjoas gained a roaring success amongst hundreds of competitors in the sector. Today, let us see one of the innovative products—K3 two wheel saddle-equipped scooter. In some respects, K3 is hailed as the ultimate in the history of electric scooter, for instance, the mobile App and the innovative saddle design.
Apart from the technological progress, the user experience brought by Fosjoas K3 is praiseworthy. K3 2-wheeled electric scooter offers the user a comfortable ride through its electronic brake system and hydraulic suspension. Each time the rider bumps along the mountain road or uneven road, he dislikes being tossed up and down. The tossing gives rise a serious experience of ride.
Fosjoas aims to create a comfortable ride for the customers, both the young and the old. As a result, Fosjoas felt obliged to get over this technique hitch. In Fosjoas K3 sitting-posture electric scooter, Fosjoas introduced the spring under the saddle to absorb the tossing, but with limited success. The hydraulic suspension is introduced to the electric self-balancing scooter for the first time in Fosjoas and even in the sector of scooter. The hydraulic suspension is a most efficient buffer against the bossing, which ensures the enjoyment in the process of riding K3.
In addition to the hydraulic suspension, the electronic brake system is also first to be used in the whole sector. The previous models in the sector realise halt by standing still. Especially as for a beginner, it is hard to stand still when the stop is needed. He usually has not enough time to respond to the sudden stop. The electronic brake system is applied to Fosjoas K3 electric self-balancing scooter, so the user could press the button near the LED screen to come to a stop at once. Under the dangerous circumstance, the electronic brake system is a great help. Overall, Fosjoas K3 offers a comfortable ride.