Fosjoas V3 Review: Best Option for Short Distance Commute
Source:Fosjoas begin Time: 2015-04-16
I stumbled across the Fosjoas accidently on my way home. I was intrigued by this futuristic device. Now I finally had the chance to try the Fosjoas for myself. I bought Fosjoas V3 a couple of days ago and the machine came with an instruction booklet, air nozzle extender and an auxiliary safety strap. The Fosjoas V3 looks very similar to a unicycle. One of the main structural differences is that the Fosjoas has no seat and your feet and ankles are the only thing in contact with the platform. The device is powered by a battery and steered by your body inclination.

I couldn’t wait to learn to ride it. I watched many videos online and found out that riding the Fosjoas V3 is similar to riding a bicycle. The Fosjoas is difficult to balance at a standstill. Unlike a bike however, the Fosjoas generates its speed from the way you lean. A slight tilt forward will cause you to move forward. Leaning back on your heels will reduce your speed and further backwards pressure will put you in reverse. I didn’t find it as difficult to learn as I had imagined it. It only took me about 15 minutes to get the hang of it. I used the walls to assist me at first to get on the wheel. If I was losing my balance I just stepped off and let it fall sideways. The wheel stopped spinning in a few seconds. After seven or eight attempts, I successfully get the wheel rolling. I think the important part is that once you’ve got on the wheel, you must gain the speed as soon as possible by leaning your body forward. If you don’t get the momentum in time, you’ll lose your balance easily and fall. It took a while for me to get really comfortable with the riding. After 30 minutes I could hop on, start going, stop and hop off confidently. Pretty tired after that. Some muscle ache the next day.

It would be great to take public transportation (train, bus or light rail) close to my destination and then just ride the Fosjoas V3 a mile or more to my destination. The Fosjoas may what you need for a green and simple commute style.