FOSJOAS Electric Scooter is Defining a New Sort of Future Commute
Source:fosjoas begin Time: 2015-04-06
Abstract: The growing concern about commute is besetting every commuter. To our enormous relief, the electric scooter by FOSJOAS comes out to relieve such concern.
Every working day, modern office workers have to waste a lot of time on waiting for the bus or metro. But when the bus or metro arrives, the bus or metro is invariably so formidably crowded that passengers must make efforts to elbow their way to embark on the cramped bus or metro. Maybe these commuters are quite jealous of those who drive to work without bearing the crowdedness of the bus or metro. Fortunately, the fact is the opposite. Those who drive to work have their own concern. In the rush hour, the traffic congestion is more common than expected, which usually held those up for quite a while. They are supposed to either get up earlier at the expense of sleeping time so as not to be late for work, or waste a lot of time on the road at the risk of being late. When they get off work, the concern repeatedly arises. The commute-related concern about commute seems to beset almost all commuters constantly, if we put aside few who live near the workplace and walk to work every day. To our enormous relief, the electric scooter by FOSJOAS comes out to relieve such concern.

FOSJOAS’s electric scooters are so compact that one can carry one of electric scooter with one hand. The size of the electric scooter is less than 14 inch, unlike that of the bicycle. If living near your workplace, you could directly ride on the electric scooter to commute. Even if the workplace is far away from your dwelling place, you could alternate the electric scooter with the bus or metro. The smart size of the electric scooter makes sure you can carry them onto the bus or the metro. On the contrary, the bicycle does not have the privilege. The electric scooter by FOSJOAS is powered by a potent battery and is able to run 20 to 60 km. So users need not to worry about power scarcity halfway.

From the eco-friendly perspective, the electric scooter by FOSJOAS is also promising in the market. It is thanks to its green lithium battery core. When operating, it produces no emission. Therefore, it is a green innovation as well as a breakthrough of commuting vehicle. It is perceptibly creating a new type of future commute.