5 11 A Match between Fosjoas V6 and V2 Self-Balancing Electric Scooters

In the neighbourhood where Howard lives, many youngsters have their own Fosjoas electric scooters. The models deal with from the V6 electric one wheel, to the V2 twin-wheeled electric scooter. One day, they held a match between the Fosjoas V6 and V2.
5 11 The Development Process of Fosjoas Electric Scooter

Seen from the development process of Fosjoas, it gone through three periods. The first time is the age of electric one wheel. The second one is that of twin-wheeled electric scooter and the third one is that of 2-wheeled electric scooter. Each time has is characteristic model to represent the historic age.
4 11 About The Three Series of Fosjoas Smart Electric Scooter

Each series of electric self-balancing scooters were epoch-making and innovative. The electric unicycle is the early series of Fosjoas. The next series is the twin-wheeled scooter.
4 11 Howard’s Store of Fosjoas Electric Scooter

The advancement of technology improves people’s daily life yet causes some environment problems. How to be eco-friendly? It is not only compact and fashionable, but also safe and pollution-free. Howard is to tell us his store of Fosjoas electric scooter and his business.
3 11 Discussions about the Energy of Fosjoas Intelligent Electric Scooter

The energy is the hot topic is the sector of automotive. The same is true of the sector of electric scooter. Moben, who pushed out its main brand of mini electric scooter—Fosjoas, is also concerned with the issue of energy.
2 11 To Enjoy the Daily Happiness with Fosjoas K3 Sitting-Posture Electric Scooter

What’s happiness? Answer varies from different people. Someone say it’s too make innumerable money; someone else think it’s to realize dreams; others express it’s to have a happy family. However, a small number of people say it’s to ride Fosjoas K3 2-wheeled electric scooters, which have massive impacts on their life.
2 11 What Can Fosjoas Electric Scooter Do In Front Of Traffic Jam

In eyes of the city dwellers, the biggest bugbear is nothing but the traffic jam, especially in morning rush hours. Fosjoas electric mobility scooter is small and lightweight, letting you avoid the heavy traffic.
1 11 The Classic Model of Fosjoas—V6 Electric One Wheel

In Fosjoas family, there is only one model of single-wheeled electric scooter. That is Fosjoas V6. At the same time, Fosjoas V6 is the unique one.
1 11 Fosjoas K1 Electric Skateboard Ignites Enthusiasm towards Life

Fosjoas K1 electric skateboard gives people a great sliding experience, which is totally different from the feeling given by traditional skateboards. It is powered by lithium-ion battery and controlled by body inclination. Sliding Fosjoas K1 on road is a good way of distressing and igniting enthusiasm towards life.